One of our newest experts, Dr. Ric Alexander, a nutrition expert among other things, has written a great article on the six steps to permanent fat loss and super health.
The title of his article is "The Six Steps to Permanent Fat Loss and Super Health."
If weight loss is of concern to you, you owe it to yourself to check out his article. Dr. Alexander offers six steps that'll aid you in your battle for permanent fat loss, and techniques for achieving super health.
Click here to read the entire article.
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Ric Alexander, our nutrition expert, writes a great article on permanent fat loss!
Posted by
Frank Buddenbrock
7:04 PM
Monday, January 14, 2008
The Making Of A Million Dollar Expert
I am sponsoring a new teleseminar for people who want to become known as "Million Dollar Experts". I've hooked up with a fantastic PR woman, Annie Jennings, and she is going to present this outstanding teleseminar on January 17th, 2008. Sign up now!!!
Here's the press release we have published on the web.
"The Making of A Million Dollar Expert"
Want to learn how to make a million dollars sharing your expertise and advice? is sponsoring a teleseminar, Thursday, January 17, at 2:30 pm Eastern Time on “The Making of A Million Dollar Expert” presented by Annie Jennings of Annie Jennings PR.Annie Jennings, known as America’s top publicist, reveals in an hour-long teleseminar how to adopt the mindset of a million dollar expert.
Jennings explains, “Do you sometimes wonder why your competitors are more successful than you are, or why they’re getting all the good clients and opportunities? If so, it's because they understand how their positioning as an expert works for them, and they make it pay off big. Who can resist hiring or booking one of the top experts in their field? Not many people can take the chance of working with anyone who does not fall into the top level of excellence in their area of expertise.”
Jennings continues, “Using my techniques, students of the teleseminar will learn the importance of investing in themselves, and how developing the status of an expert will lead to lucrative book advances, huge speaking fees, and even presitigious consulting gigs.”
Authors and experts will realize the power top media placements can bring to their reputation, both in the industry and with their clients. When the media books an expert, or potential clients are considering which expert to hire, their reputation as an expert can give them a definitive advantage.
During the teleseminar, Jennings will offer advice and the strategies for every stage of building national expert celebrity status. Students will learn how to go from the entry-level expert to the intermediate stages of building money-making expert status and what it takes to be considered an advanced expert and the premier choice of top media.Jennings’ teleseminar will also reveal the one secret ingredient to becoming a Million Dollar Expert and the significant difference between a six figure expert and a seven figure expert.
Everyone who signs up for the teleseminar will receive Jennings’ FREE CD: "How To Create The Optimal PR Strategy.”
For the teleseminar sign up, to get the bridge line and pin number, and the free CD, visit
ABOUT FINDANEXPERTONLINE.COM: is a website dedicated to helping people with questions to be answered, and problems to be solved through articles, books, a job bank, forums, podcasts and a directory of experts.
ABOUT ANNIE JENNINGS PR: Annie Jennings of the National PR firm, Annie Jennings PR promotes authors & experts to the most prestigious media in America. Her commitment to excellence has forever changed publicity as she has created the most advanced publicity tools and strategies used in PR today.
Peggy Noonan, of USA WEEKEND Magazine, raves about Annie’s unique and outstanding ability to provide them with the perfect expert FAST! “Annie Jennings does a wonderful job of grasping the essence of the story and finding exactly the right people!”
Posted by
Frank Buddenbrock
1:37 PM